SDS:Edit assignment.php: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:49, 8 November 2004

The edit_assignment page allows you to change assignments that already exist.

The assignment number is there solely to remind you what assignment you're on. You should be able to change this to any number.

The assignment mark type allows you to change the weighting of the assignment, by grouping it with other assignments in a category.

The due date determines whether an assignment is overdue or not. You can use this to check overdue assignments in the missing assignments page.

The show date should be set to the day that you assign the assignment. Students will be able to access the assignment through the Student SDS on this date.

PLOs is a space separated list of the PLOs that the assignment covers. You should type them in like this: 'U V W'

Maximum mark is the total number of marks that the assignment is worth.

Weight is a multiplication factor to allow you to weight assignments relative to another within a category. Its default value is 1, and should be left as 1 if you don't want to fiddle with this.

The title is what you will see on all of the mark input pages, and what students will see when browsing assignments.

The assignment is the actual details.

The URL can point to the assignment if you've made a PDF, or it can point to supplementary material. The link is relative to your course website.