SDS:Weekend leaves.php

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Revision as of 11:20, 10 August 2004 by (talk)
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The weekend leaves page allows you to edit weekend leaves for any time in the future.

First, pick a date at the top of the page. This will then display and allow editing for weekend leaves for the following weekend. For example, if you choose September 15th (Wednesday), then the script will show weekend leaves for the weekend of the 18th and 19th.

For each student leaving on weekend leave, choose their leave and return dates, times, and method of transportation. Check the parent permission box if you'd like to remember that their parents have given permission for them to leave. Eventually this will be linked to the parent SDS, so that parents can give permission for their children to leave online. You can type comments into the comment box.

Once you've filled in all of the leaves, click the Save button to remember your changes.