SDSHOWTO:SDS 5 Series Changelog

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SDS 4.114.0 (July 26, 2014)

SDS 4.113.0 (June 28, 2014)

SDS 4.112.0 (May 31, 2014)

SDS 4.111.0 (May 3, 2014)

SDS 4.110.0 (April 5, 2014)


  • Add extra admissions targets fields for max target and non returning estimate


  • Add "courses" to the grade headings to reinforce that they weren't necessarily completed during the same year (SMUS RT #5716)


  • Automatically close off unneeded person_log records when a student is set to a "closed" status (SMUS RT #1166)
  • Update all pages that set student status to use Student::setStatus rather than setting person log directly
  • Fix incorrect caching of fee status type and admission target objects

SDS 4.109.0 (March 8, 2014)


  • Add extra sentence to AUP text (SMUS RT #5503)


  • Added extra 'comments' field to attendance pages for teachers to give extra information. (SMUS RT #4678)
  • Attendance report now correctly displays absences when configured to display more than one day. (SMUS RT #5482)


  • Added additional information to resource booking system. Now accounts for vehicle resources and stores driver name and other details. (SMUS RT #803)


  • Changed missing_assignments.php to include teacher names in the email (SMUS RT #5601)


  • Do not override BC funding setting if the SDS thinks the student is eligible on 1701 form (SMUS RT #5626)

Online Application

  • Fix address line 2 not displaying correctly on application summary page


  • Copy standards-based assessment data into standards-based reports

Student SDS

  • fixed glitch with bad schoolPLOvalue on standards-based Student SDS page
  • fix glitch related to omitted marks in Student SDS course assignment marks type summary


  • Avoid locking database tables necessary for other use when sending large batches of email (SMUS RT #5670)
  • Mark Collection Period class now is rewritten to properly use SDS object-oriented format. (SMUS RT #5692)


  • Enhance description of I letter grade (SMUS RT #5695)

SDS 4.108.2 (February 19, 2014)


  • Fix missing preselection information

SDS 4.108.1 (February 14, 2014)


  • Fix file downloads for some Internet Explorer users (SMUS RT #5597, 5595, 5592, 5588, 5569, 5566, 5562)

SDS 4.108.0 (February 8, 2014)


  • Allow importing an online app if the legal guardian matches the contact (as well as mother and father) (SMUS RT #5394)
  • Edited admission workflow page to properly handle the 'enter' key' (SMUS RT #5309)


  • Modified input_absences to get day start and end times from database (SMUS RT #2381)
  • Student photos now appear on daily attendance page when mouse hovers over the student name (SMUS RT #2987)


  • Integrated teacher duties into the database and created pages for editing the duties and the duty schedule. In addition, the teacher duties now automatically appear on email announcements. (SMUS RT #3291)

Canned Reports

  • Added Legal Guardian to various contact lists (SMUS RT #4546)
  • Advanced search grid view requests that web browsers try not to spread a row across multiple pages when printing
  • Several canned report lists request that web browsers try not to spread a row across multiple pages when printing (SMUS RT #529)
  • Added student photos to off-campus medical forms (SMUS RT #2405)


  • Add subject list view to course list by grade
  • Fix issue where newly created subjects do not appear on the edit_subjects page (SMUS RT #4399)
  • Add warning when editing a course to set a primary classroom before attempting per-period room assignments (SMUS RT #5296)


  • Added course name and subset to assignment pages. (SMUS RT #4635)

Mark book

  • allow mark increments of 0.1 on missing assignments page

Online Application

  • Modified applicant.php and class_grade.php so that grades AN, AD and HS are no longer options for applicants. (SMUS RT #5382)
  • Fix fatal error encountered if an applicant the country of an address but no other address or person details


  • Andy Rodford's signature now appears correctly on PLO based reports (SMUS RT #5272)
  • Change Advisor Group Teacher back to Homeroom Teacher on senior report format
  • PLO reports now display the homeroom teacher and appropriate title on the first page (SMUS RT #599)


  • Add "Has IEP" to advanced search criteria


  • Added "Missing Data Report" to students section of SDS to generate a report on students that are missing information. (SMUS RT #621)
  • Students now have access to Record of Achievement reports on the student SDS (SMUS RT #3856)
  • Students can now email all their teachers from their student_information page (SMUS RT#708)


  • Added list_subject_students.php to show all students enrolled in a subject. (SMUS RT #852)


  • Update credits file
  • Informed consents are stored yearly (SMUS RT #857)
  • Fixed login messages for timeout cases. No more contradictory messages. (SMUS RT #4588)
  • Rationalize header output across all downloadable files (SMUS RT #1890)
  • Update jQuery libraries to the latest version for IE11 support
  • Moved some variables to the database. Created a page to edit variables on the database. (SMUS RT #379)
  • New users-names are now checked against the database to prevent duplicates. (SMUS RT #554)


  • Link from teacher timetable page to lessons page (SMUS RT#5370)


  • Transcript will use the latest mark collection period that the student was a part of when calculating interim marks (SMUS RT #4208)

SDS 4.107.1 (January 15, 2014)

  • Fix fatal SQL error on the student course registration display page (SMUS RT #5350)

SDS 4.107.0 (January 11, 2014)


  • Do not email admissions when application is started, fee is paid, or reference is submitted (SMUS RT #5159)
  • Functionality of enrolment status update pages reverted to first day of next school year (functional reversion of SMUS RT #5012)


  • Fix upload and display of financial statements with negative debit or credit values (SMUS RT #5291)
  • Modify current student registration dates for 2014/2015


  • schoolPLO dropdown does not include a blank row on edit_assignment


  • Fix issue where records are stored separately if a student has multiple registrations in a course (SMUS RT #3536)

Online Application

  • Add chinese text to the app login new user section (SMUS RT #5171)


  • Add ability to create a note for a subject to give additional instructions or requirements during course selection (SMUS RT #5233)

SDS 4.106.0 (December 14, 2013)

Academic Advisories

  • Fix updating advisories with apostrophes (SMUS RT #4840)


  • Add better sort by grade to most admissions reports (SMUS RT #5102)
  • Block application import if a person is selected as "new and unique" but the email address matches a person already in SDS (SMUS RT #5120)
  • Show email address when selecting duplicate adults and parents on import
  • Block import if contact name and email doesn't match a parent's in the app (SMUS RT #5120)
  • Fix an address import issue if the address was already in the system (SMUS RT #5120)
  • Change default date for Enrolment Status Update & Summary to today's date (SMUS RT#5012)

Canned Reports

  • Add student cell phone number as a field on output index (SMUS RT #4753)

Form Campaigns

  • Form meister will not send initial emails to people who have already completed the health form (SMUS RT #4832)

Lesson Planner

  • Redirect to edit_assignment when successfully created a new assignment (SMUS RT #4989)
  • Allow multiple school PLOs to be connected to a lesson or assignment at once (SMUS RT #5085)

Parent Portal

  • Add new page to explain process to request permission to miss academic time (SMUS RT #5088)
  • Block the following punctuation from first and last name when signing up for an external account: "!@#$%^&*(){}_\/:;?[]|`~,<> (SMUS RT #5121)
  • Block last name being all in capitals when signing up for an external account


  • Add warning about safari and chrome not spell checking on page load when writing reports (SMUS RT #4847)
  • Add new graduation requirement subrule type of quantity subjects matching a regular expression (SMUS RT #4984)
  • Implement new standards-based assessment module for senior school (SMUS RT #4869)


  • Add ability for IEP data (rather than PDF) to be visible in asterisk information of student (provides IEP master list on SDS) (SMUS RT #4947)
  • Add new page to list students who left and returned (SMUS RT #4999)
  • Update List/Edit Students to use enhanced grade sorting
  • Change free student list to default to lowest grade rather than highest to avoid AD/AN grades (SMUS RT #5109)
  • Create allergy health form check page like medical number check page (SMUS RT #4625)

SDS 4.105.0 (October 19, 2013)


  • Fix fee status issue when creating an Enquiry (SMUS RT# 4636)

Assignment marks

  • Allow one decimal place in assignment marks (SMUS RT#4784)
  • Update course and subset on Assignment marks pages


  • Fix attendance link from the teacher timetable page for rotating courses (SMUS RT #4609)


  • Add middle school director's signature on middle school ROAs


  • Added an email link for the academic advisor to the student information page


  • Fix error on advisor print queue page that was causing limited reports to filter by new students only (SMUS RT #4724)


  • Allow teacher quicksearch to return alumni who have become teachers


  • Fix sql_wrappers attempting to set protected variables when using the latest version of MDB2 mysqli driver
  • Add HS homeschool grade (SMUS RT #4721)


  • Change Allison McCallum's title on SMUS transcript (SMUS RT #4747)

SDS 4.104.0 (September 21, 2013)


  • Fix glitch in Accepts Offers Interests page if a student has no admission record.
  • Modify Accepts Offers Summary to show when a student has no admission record.
  • Add mother, father, and admission agent email addresses to non-returning student report (SMUS RT #4524)

Canned Reports

  • Add more fields to the Nurse Information Report (SMUS RT #4367)
  • Update nametag labels to use 2x5 Avery 5371 business card
  • Update nametag labels to add logo and slogan
  • Add new report to compare SDS health number with health form insurance information (SMUS RT #4529)

Course administration

  • Added seats, room to display for each course in Edit Subject
  • Added ratio of registrations to seats, to spot full and nearly full courses, in Course List By Grade
  • New page to show all of the classrooms used by each teacher

Course Registrations

  • Add student number to the students in department list
  • New page for viewing conflicts between incomplete registrations (for exam planning, etc)
  • Fix "Back to list of subjects" link from edit_course (SMUS RT #4381)
  • New page to aid counsellors in adjusting student timetables from course selections
  • Increased size of student dropdown to 20 on Course registration page

Lesson Planner

  • Remove date range lesson create button, replace with button that creates lessons for the course's entire date range
  • Simplify renumber lesson button so that it just numbers lessons from 1 -> max lesson in chronological order
  • Add ability to create lessons directly from staff calendar export page, including creating lessons for all courses at once (SMUS RT #4490)


  • Change senior school homeroom teacher line to "Advisor Group Teacher" (SMUS RT #4420)


  • Migration to add grades AD and AN (adult program) to SDS (SMUS RT #4399)
  • Hide autofill button on student enrollment tab if student has a record for grade AD (SMUS RT #4399)
  • Add new label geometry 2x5 Avery 5371 business card
  • Add limited ability for pdf labels to add full width JPG images
  • Correct typo in AUP
  • Fix save glitch in edit teachers page


  • Teacher timetable printing only shows teachers with FTE > 0 (SMUS RT #4353)
  • Add ability for students to export timetables (currently hidden from menu until it gets tested by eager students) (SMUS RT #4539)

SDS 4.103.2 (September 6, 2013)

  • Fix to PDF room timetable functionality to enable per-period room bookings

SDS 4.103.1 (August 30, 2013)

  • Remove access to "My Courses" menu on Student SDS until school year starts

SDS 4.103.0 (August 24, 2013)


  • Move log entries on Decision tab of workflow (SMUS RT #2341)
  • Fix event error on leads page
  • Improve person duplicate reporting during application import
  • Add admissions test results page (RT 2229)
  • ESL Funnel page updated (RT#1178)

Canned Reports

  • Sort PR label courses alphabetically by MOE code (SMUS RT #4255)

Course Setup

  • New timetable planner page to replace the course scheduling board (SMUS RT #4202)
  • Courses can now occupy different classrooms for each scheduled period (SMUS RT #4192)
  • Room conflicts page ignores conflicts caused by fuzzied courses (SMUS RT #4344)


  • Allow students to use reduced functionality email page (SMUS RT #3660)

Online Application

  • Improve text on student questionnaire to encourage Interest responses (SMUS RT #2182)
  • Encourage students and admission agents not to create accounts for the online application (SMUS RT #3763)


  • Spell check has been removed from report writing page (redundant with browser spell check) (SMUS RT #4018)
  • Added ability to limit a mark collection to an arbitrary list of students (SMUS RT #3781)
  • Remove PDF report customizations for new student reports as we no longer track whether an MCP is for new students only
  • Ability to bulk edit reports from enter marks page has been removed due to it causing too many issues


  • Add new advanced search option "new to campus"


  • Student's gender shown on Student Information page (SMUS RT #4346)

Student SDS

  • Added ability to store and display current and historical AP numbers (SMUS RT #4199)
  • Add course subset to course list under My Courses in student menu (SMUS RT #4128)


  • Add ability to store faculty FTE and faculty primary department information


  • Grad requirements check correctly prioritizes completed requirements over interim (SMUS RT #4356)

SDS 4.102.1 (August 9, 2013)

  • Temporary workaround for admissions stats issue (SMUS RT #4275)

SDS 4.102.0 (July 27, 2013)


  • Export calendar (breaks, timetable days, period overrides) includes next school year's data as well (SMUS RT #4235)
  • Allow exporting next year's lessons during the current school year (SMUS RT #4235)

Lesson Planner

  • Correct issue when displaying all lessons

Mark Collections

  • Add teacher name to export for Trevlac report (SMUS RT #4153)


  • Add UPS monitor port from ASP script on VMUtility

Online Forms

  • Correct vaccination name typo (SMUS RT #4189)
  • Add new form for parent consent to AUP (SMUS RT #4217)

Parent Portal

  • If school year is outside of course dates, display the previous year's student directory (SMUS RT #4196)
  • Add extra check for parent_view_preselections if a student is enrolled but grade does not do preselections
  • Pop up course selection guide in a new window


  • Add ability to specify an override date for StudentFilter
  • Update AUP for 2013/2014 (SMUS RT #4217)


  • Add post-processing step to remove interim courses where a final mark exists for the same school year (SMUS RT #4177)

SDS 4.101.0 (June 29, 2013)


  • Add teacher name to unexplained absence emails (SMUS RT #4096)


  • Allow award administrators to view award data with changed date (SMUS RT #4138)

Course Administration

  • Add seat count to course list by grade page (SMUS RT #4142)


  • Fix "Write reports" menu item not displaying for courses that start at exactly the same time as the school year
  • Code to determine whether to use "I" now uses the mark collection end date rather than the attendance end date
  • Allow middle school director signature on reports if enabled (SMUS RT #4173)


  • Add ability to batch modify experiential program flag (SMUS RT #4146)

SDS 4.100.0 (June 1, 2013)


  • Provide year/campus filtering to application import centre (SMUS RT #3974)


  • Change senior school director's signature (SMUS RT #3971)
  • Add StudentFilter functionality to awards printing page (SMUS RT #3972)
  • Remove ability to alter nomination phase by changing viewing date (SMUS RT #4002)
  • Add student photo to nomination details page (SMUS RT #3986)
  • Show student photo on nominations page when mouse is hovered over student name (SMUS RT #3986)
  • Add "Are you sure" prompt for deleting award nominations (SMUS RT #4015)
  • Add new page to list awards available to a selected list of grades (SMUS RT #4024)


  • Set default "display to parents" for announcements to unchecked (SMUS RT #3808)

Online Application

  • Prompt for parent birth dates (SMUS RT #3312)
  • Fix issue where unknown birth dates were being set to the date the app_person was created


  • Add ability to schedule PT meetings with breaks between each one (SMUS RT #4052)


  • Hide the "Enter marks" course link if the course has marks disabled (SMUS RT #3564)


  • Add student enrolment date and finish date as advanced search fields (SMUS RT #3960)
  • Add student email output to advanced search advanced output fields
  • Fix advanced search email output for multiple parents of same gender
  • Add student board/day and mother/father name and address to advanced search advanced output fields

Student SDS

  • Significantly speed up the "upcoming tests" page
  • Add "upcoming tests in the next week" to Student SDS front page (SMUS RT #3661)


  • Correctly set junior school grade groups in network account sync script (SMUS RT #3590)


  • Fix issue on edit_person page where unknown birthdates were being set to December 31, 1969
  • Fix fatal error when viewing student info for old historical students imported from Trevlac


  • Correct final marks of type "letter grade" being represented as "F" on transcript (SMUS RT #4069)

SDS 4.99.0 (May 4, 2013)


  • Course conflicts are still displayed for the incomplete date range even if a course is dropped or completed (SMUS RT #3841)
  • Fixed PLOs output in lesson section of daily attendance page

Consolidated Health Form

  • Fix several pre-processing steps when form is accessed before year rolls over (SMUS RT #3872)
  • Form meister page collects correct list of parents to add to the campaign even if accessed outside of proper CSY (SMUS RT #1920)


  • Fix sorting by final mark column on student marks page


  • Implemented new mother/father auditing page (SMUS RT #3883)


  • Free students page can export student list as CSV (SMUS RT #3696)
  • Correct behaviour of Student::filterByIsDay function when searching for "N" (SMUS RT #3807)
  • Implement new Special Needs Category value for MOE 1701 (SMUS RT #3739)


  • Performance optimizations for loading CSS and JS files
  • Upgrade to latest version of jQuery (1.9.1), jQuery UI (1.10.2) and Timepicker (1.2.2)
  • Correct display issue of menu pins in Internet Explorer 10 (SMUS RT #3871)
  • Correct display issue of datepicker box overlapping sausage on small screens (SMUS RT #3871)
  • Fix duplicate Korea in nationality table (SMUS RT #3826)

SDS 4.98.0 (March 9, 2013)


  • Enrolment Status update (& summary) updated to use new program definitions (SMUS RT #3537)
  • Rounding of enrolment status data altered to reduce accumulation of rounding errors

Student SDS

  • Restrict access to report cards until the "release to grade" date (SMUS RT #3456)


  • Add busy teacher list to free teachers page


  • Transcripts will not show a mark of 0 for an I letter grade (SMUS RT #3586)

SDS 4.97.0 (February 9, 2013)


  • Added fee_status_type programs to monthly stats (SMUS RT #3222), school year totals (SMUS RT #3220), enrolment summary (SMUS RT #3221)
  • App_breakout page rewritten so that all of the months for a given school year are visible together (SMUS RT #3223)
  • Fixed glitch with accepts in enrolment summary pages
  • Added extra save button to list of applications to import (SMUS RT #3467)


  • Add day number to the announcements readout page if applicable (SMUS RT #3350)
  • Add day of week to the announcements readout page (SMUS RT #3440)
  • Default new announcement start/end times to 8:00 am - 4:00 pm on quick creation page (SMUS RT #3363)
  • Read announcements page respects current campus override
  • Read announcements will display all applicable announcements when date is changed, not just ones that also display now
  • Add ability to hide announcements from parents (SMUS RT #3294)
  • Daily email announcements page only looks for announcements up to 11:59 pm rather than 12:00 am to avoid tomorrow's announcements
  • Index "all announcements" section will display all applicable announcements when date is changed, not just ones that also display now
  • Change order of first line of daily announcement email (SMUS RT #3455)

Canned Reports

  • Add Student PEN to challenge course list (SMUS RT #3374)
  • Add selection to print name labels by legal or usual name (SMUS RT #3411)


  • Update regex for parsing statement line items so that line items with no description are caught (SMUS RT #3307)
  • Update regex for parsing statement account numbers so that account numbers with letters are caught
  • Verify accounting's calculated total against SDS's calculated total on uploaded statements


  • Fixed glitch introduced by datepicker on Missing Assignments page
  • Link school PLOs to lesson planner (SMUS RT #1726)

Parent Portal

  • Add phonetic representation of password to outgoing emails containing passwords (SMUS RT #3337)
  • Change to salted hashes for LDAP password storage
  • Update current student registration PDF links (SMUS RT #3417)
  • Fix finding interviews for other PT sessions when checking to see if parent already has an interview scheduled (SMUS RT #3481)


  • Sort batch printed reports from the print queue page alphabetically by student (SMUS RT #3330)


  • Only show a mailout send/return date on edit_person if a date was entered (SMUS RT #3304)
  • Add ability to filter list_students page by fee status
  • Remove graduation requirement satisfying by course name check (SMUS RT #3418)


  • Speed up person_log queries by adding indexes
  • Added : to the list of acceptable characters for School PLOs

SDS 4.96.0 (January 12, 2013)


  • Only display announcements for the current campus on the teacher index page
  • Hide event date on announcements on index page
  • Provide button to check all grades for a campus on announcement creation and edit pages
  • Provide new page to read announcements applicable right now for middle and junior schools
  • Update event announcement display to support older versions of IE
  • Index page announcement display reflects correct announcements when viewing date is changed
  • Daily announcement email will find all announcements for the day rather than just the ones scheduled to display at 8:00 am
  • Bold the title of the announcement on the daily announcement email (SMUS RT #3336)

Canned Reports

  • Correct fatal error when splitting students out by state and province but no students live in US or Canada

Consolidated Health Form

  • Only display insurance form elements for the selected option
  • Disable and clear new vaccination checkboxes until consent has been provided
  • Update some instruction text for the consolidated health form
  • Implement first nations non-insured health benefits option (SMUS RT #2340)
  • Implement SMUS-provided temporary insurance option


  • Email parents export to CSV respects selected student and parent relationship types when generating export (SMUS RT #3246)


  • Fix the uncheck all button on manage_event page (SMUS RT #3259)


  • Changes to current student registration page for 2013/2014

Mark Collections

  • Update missing marks page to find students with any missing marks rather than all missing marks for a course (SMUS RT #3184)
  • Advisor edit reports function from "my advisees" updates the editor person on the report (SMUS RT #3231)


  • Restore "save and next/previous" functionality with new SMUS modern menu (SMUS RT #3249)


  • Fix menu not expanding items with apostrophes (SMUS RT #3250)
  • Replace frequent menu items with pinned items menu (SMUS RT #3255)
  • Menu system now remembers which items are expanded under each top-level menu (SMUS RT #3254)

SDS 4.95.1 (December 21, 2012)

  • Update registration code to hide new information until January 22nd

SDS 4.95.0 (December 15, 2012)


  • Fixed count of active ESL applications on Enrolment Status reports
  • Fixed counting of student statuses on Enrolment Status reports


  • Count unexplained absences by course (SMUS RT #2491)

Canned Reports

  • Add new mailout canned report (SMUS RT #3077)
  • Add ability to filter by student status on previous school canned report (SMUS RT #3137)
  • Home country report finds parents in the right order
  • Home country report uses primary address regardless of whether it's the mailing address


  • Separate check_finished_courses page by campus to allow closing of only one campus at a time (SMUS RT #1188)
  • Correct print_marksheet by department showing old courses


  • Field updates for parent email export function (SMUS RT #3087)

Lesson planner

  • Improvements to edit lessons page (SMUS RT #3091)


  • Altered default show and due dates when creating a new assignment
  • Mark entry text boxes are now more number-friendly for mobile devices


  • Fix "Set all PLO values" function when no custom PLOs are available (SMUS RT #3105)
  • Correct report writing issue for courses that start exactly the same time as the school year


  • Advanced search and studentfilter students in course search shows Kindergarten courses now (SMUS RT #3167)
  • Fix sorting of edit_students page, fee status mode (SMUS RT #3158)

Visual Overhaul

  • Make SDS look like SMUS Website (SMUS RT #961)
  • Correct caching of old look with CSS and JS links with the modify date included
  • Increase performance by correcting ETag behaviour
  • Increase performance by correctly setting expires headers on non-PHP elements
  • Increase performance by moving javascript includes to the end of the content
  • Increase performance by revamping menu system for report writing and editing (no longer clears menu cache)
  • Correct resizing issue in online app with long textarea elements
  • Move some elements of the Admin Menu section into Staff Menu to eliminate display of Admin Menu for users with basic privileges
  • Display closed courses in the menu again, in a separate section (SMUS RT #1363)