Calendar Steps for Android Notifications

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Revision as of 13:59, 10 September 2012 by Chris.kloosterman (talk | contribs)
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Open the email you sent to yourself with the SDS calendar link. Tap and hold on the link, then choose "Copy link to clipboard"
Open the Google Play store and search for the app "ics sync"
Tap the install button.
Tap the "Accept & Download" button
After the app finishes installing, run the "ICSSync" app. Tap the "Add feed" button at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on the URL field and clear out the text currently in there. Tap and hold on the "URL" field and choose Paste on the popup window. Also complete the "Local calendar name" field (with whatever you want the calendar to be called). Scroll down and tap the OK button.
Back in the main panel of the ICSSync application, tap the "Sync all" button
Run the standard calendar app and you should now see your calendar events or timetable. Repeat these steps to add in any other calendars (you can skip installing the ICSSync app, as it's already installed).