SDS:Edit address.php

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This page allows you to edit addresses (addresses are stored in the database in relation to parents).

Edit an address

Address 1/2

If the parent has a simple address, insert it under "Address 1" and ignore "Address 2". If the address has extra mailing information (ex. apartment number, c/o, etc.), specify this information as "Address 1" and the actual mailing address as "Address 2".

City/Province/Country/Postal code

The rest of the mailing information for this address.

Phone number/Fax number

The phone/fax numbers used to contact parents at this address. This can be left blank.

Time Zone

The time zone in which this address is located. Please be accurate. Note Brentwood is (GMT -07:00).

Parents with this address


Clicking on the name of the parent or couple will bring you to the edit parents page.

Address Type

This specifies the type of this address entry (ex. Home address, Work location, etc.).

Mailing Address

Is this the parent's mailing address? (Y or N)


Click "Delete" to remove this parent-address relationship.

Add Parent to this Address


The parent or couple to assign to this address.

Address Type

This specifies the type of this address entry (ex. Home address, Work location, etc.).

Mailing Address

Is this the parent's mailing address? Check for yes.