SDS:List assignments.php

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This page shows the assignments you have assigned in a course.

Default mode

You can choose to filter by assignment mark type. Pull a type down from the box and click the "Filter" button to filter. Choose the "All" type to go back to showing all assignments.

Click the "Enter a new assignment" link to add a new assignment.

If the assignment is "major", that is, it is a project or other significant piece of work whose deadline creates stress similar to a test, click on Set as major in the Major assignment column. This will flag the assignment in the Schedule test page.

Marks are unreleased until you click the "Release Marks" button. Once they are released you can unrelease them by clicking the "Unrelease marks" button.

Show assignment details

Clicking on the Show assignment details button reveals additional columns.

Delete an assignment (plus the marks assigned to the students for that assignment) by clicking the Delete button beside the assignment.

Clicking on Duplicate will create a full copy of the assignment AND assignment marks. This is useful if you are experimenting with the mark scaling options and wish to make a backup of your data.