SDS:Add to queue.php

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The add to queue page allows you to print out student reports.

Print jobs table

The print jobs table at the top of the page shows the print jobs that are currently queued for printing. If there are jobs that you queued, you can delete them by clicking the delete link.

Adding a report to queue

You must select the type of report to print, the printer to print the reports to, and the mark collection period to print. These are generally filled in with the correct values for the current date, unless you want to print out the final report.

There are six different modes for printing.

Print all advisees (homeroom students)

This will allow to print off reports for every student in your advisor group if you are an advisor. This will have no effect (it will print no reports) if you are not an advisor.

Print this student

Pull down a student from the student select box and click this button to print just that student's report.

Print letters

This will batch print all students with a last name starting with a letter you selected. This should only be used when the reports have been finalized, as it is a huge waste of paper otherwise.

Print grade

This will batch print all students in a grade. This should only be used when the reports have been finalized, as it is a huge waste of paper otherwise.

Print house

Like print grade, this will print all students in a house. Use with the same precautions as print grade.

Print by advisor (homeroom)

Like print all advisees, this will print all students in an advisee group. You don't need to be the advisor, though.