SDS:Reports data entry.php

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This page allows you to input mark records for students in a course. Information about what marks to put where might be found here.

Fill in the marks and internal comment, then click the "Save" button to commit your changes. Be sure to save at least every 20 minutes or so to prevent your session from timing out.

You can click the "Get current marks for (course) from Mark book section into" button after choosing a mark type and mark caption to import your mark book into one of the fields in the mark table. For example, you could import all of your marks (as an average) into the School mark table to avoid having to calculate averages for each student.

You can also use CSV to edit your marks in Excel or OpenOffice Calc. Click the "Export CSV" link to export your data to a CSV file, which Excel and Calc can read. After you've filled in the data, import it again and click the "Import CSV" button. If the SDS is having a good day, your marks will appear in the marks table.

SMUS has the ability to fill in a student's report on this page. This is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of the SDS. You should not use this functionality, as it is not protected against conflicts or other issues like the individual reports entry page.