SDS:Reports entry spell.php

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This page allows you to write reports for a student.

Fill in the report (and internal comment, and marks if you haven't done so in the marks entry page) and click the "Save" button. If the page thinks you have some spelling errors, it will tell you. Correct these and click the "Save" button again to confirm your changes.

You can now use bold, italic and underline within the report. Precede the text you wish to highlight with <b>, <i> or <u> (for bold, italic and underline, respectively) and follow the text with </b>, </i> or </u> (as appropriate).

A note to advisors editing reports - you should know what these tags mean, as they will show in the editing window.

If you are using PLO-based reports, you will also receive dropdowns for each PLO that should be reported on for this mark collection. You can also add additional PLOs from the dropdown box. Learning outcomes may also be available to be selected.